join a small group

We would love to see everyone in our church to be in a healthy Small Group. Our team is passionate about getting people in groups, starting new groups and and getting them healthy.

  • 10AM

    Senior Adult - Worship Center

    Men's - Room 104

    Adults- Room 201 (Upstairs)

    Young Couples- Room 202 (Upstairs)

    Ladies - Room 203 (Upstairs)

    College & Career (Age range 18-25) - Fellowship Hall

  • 7AM

    Men's Prayer/Bible Study - Worship Center


    Life Group (Avg age range 18-45) - Mabry House

  • 5:15-6:15  Family Supper


    Kids ROC, Little ROC'rs Worship Center

    Pastor Johnny B Group ( Avg age range 30-Senior) - Fellowship Hall

  • 6:30PM

    Burnsville Life Group - Ptak Home (Every other Friday)

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